Vellore Fort

Vellore Fort

Vellore Fort is located in Vellore, Tamilnadu. Built in 1566 CE by Vijayanagara kings immediately after the Talikota war, the formidable fort is known for its robust masonry, grand ramparts, and wide moat.

Spread over an area of 133 acres, the fort houses magnificent Jalagandeeswarar Temple inside, known for its exquisite craftsmanship and architecture. There’s a Govt Museum also inside the fort.

The fort held many high-profile prisoners over the centuries, including the last ruling monarch of Srilanka Vikrama Rajasimha. The king and his family were kept as prisoners of war at this fort for 17 years from 1798 – 1815 CE by the British. The Vellore Mutiny happened in this fort in the year 1806.

The fort was under Vijayanagara kings, Bijapur Sultans, Marathas, Mughals, and the British over the centuries.


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Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort
Vellore Fort

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